dictionnaire Anglais - Anglais

English - English

globalisation Anglais:

1. global

English is a global language.
Global climatic changes may have been responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
The global economy is spiraling downwards.
They confirmed the importance of strengthening global precautions in order to prevent devastating losses.
The fundamental problem in arguing with a person who denies global warming is that they use erroneous logic.
What do we mean by "global optimization"? It's kind of like if I gave you a pair of binoculars and told you to find me the highest mountain in the world, using only your eyes.
Red sky in morning; global warming. Red sky at night, reactor's alight.
The term 'greenhouse effect' is often used when people talk about global changes of climate nowadays.
If you turned off your computer right now, you would contribute to the prevention of global warming.
Who leads in the global market nowadays: The USA, Europe or China?
Most important of all, the brain needs global reentry pathways connecting these anatomical structures.
CouchSurfing is like speaking Esperanto, it's a dream coming true: the global village.
Ladies and gentlemen, please notify the people to stop contributing to global warming and use nature-friendly equipment.
Global agricultural output was expanding.
When something is global, it's happening all over the world.

2. the process of moving towards a more interconnected world

Anglais mot "globalisation"(the process of moving towards a more interconnected world) se produit dans des ensembles:

Legal English

3. globe

Nearly one billion people around the globe lack access to clean, safe water.
People from across the globe visit Paris.
We export various kinds of computers all over the globe.
Many goods are transported across the globe by ship.
The equator divides the globe into two hemispheres.
The weather varies greatly across the globe.
He traveled all over the globe.
Goods are the great travelers over the earth's surface, far more than humans, which means that hardly an inhabited spot on the globe is untouched by trade.
The summit talks are to be broadcast around the globe.
The globe is similar in shape to an orange.
He saw a globe of red light.
Moving money and technology from one side of the globe to the other is not enough.
The earth is not a perfect globe.
Try to find Poland on the globe.

Anglais mot "globalisation"(globe) se produit dans des ensembles:

Word Formation (Year 3)